
My Personal Journey

 In 2017, I started doing cardio often. It was always part of my workout routine but once you make it a habit, it's difficult to stop.  By 2018, I began to weight lift and noticed physical changes in my body.  Since 2019, I've made the gym a habit everyday and helps me clear my mind for the rest of the day. 

Reasons to Lift Weights

Weight lifting improves posture, sleep, mood, and energy levels. It affects the way we think and our decision making. Most non-exercising people who begin and set up a routine in the gym start to crave the gym and make it a habit.

Better Reasons to Lift

It regulates insulin and lowers inflammation. Strength training has you burning through glucose. This can help anyone with Type 2 diabetes and controls blood sugar levels.  There are multiple benefits to include weight lifting into your workout routine. From the physical benefits to the cellular level. Consistency is the most important factor in lifting to see progress.

Effects of Lifting Weights

Weight lifting boosts confidence and I am 100% about everyone agreeing with me. You can build up your self-esteem by just showing up everyday and setting new personal bests. Some immediate effects on your body in your increased blood flow which can lead to faster healing and recovery. It also has an immediate effect on your mind and has a calming effect.  Some long term effects can include a gradual change in your muscles and causes them to perform longer and fatigue slower.